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The Katuri have smashed through the frontier and Apocalypse Outpost is the sole remaining outpost standing in their way.

Spacebar Shoot cannon.Hold spacebar down for auto-fire.
Left key

Rotate cannon left ( [ key alternate)

Right key Rotate cannon right ( ] key alternate)
P key Pause game
S key Toggle sound on/off
Game Design & Programming
Brian Fisher
Ari Feldman

If the outpost is destroyed the game ends.

Use the gun turrent to protect the outpost. Use the left and right arrow keys to rotate and aim the gun turrent. Press the spacebar to shoot the gun. Hold the spacebar down for auto-fire .

Computer controlled missile turrents are attached to the outpost and provide support. Additional missile turrents are awarded after each stage.

Fleet Command has dispatched support ships however they will not arrive until later stages. Like the missile turrents, support ships are computer controlled. Additional ships with increased power will arrive in later stages.

The outpost and all ships have a hull rating. The outpost and some ships are also equipped with shields. Damage is first inflicted on the shields. Once the shields are down damage is then inflicted on the hull. When the hull is knocked out the outpost or ship is destroyed. At the end of each mission all remaining ships are auto-repaired which provides upto a 50 % repair in both shields and hull.