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Fleet Command orders you to man the guns of the Antaris, protect the fleet and destroy the Katuri. Make it to the last mission and take on the dreaded Katuri Juggernaught Carrier.

Mouse Point to where to shoot. Click mouse left button to shoot. Hold mouse button down for auto-fire.
S key Turn sound on / off
P key Pause game
Game Design & Programming
Brian Fisher
Ari Feldman

Use the guns of the Antaris to protect your ships. If all of your ships are destroyed the game ends.

Use the mouse to aim where to shoot then click the left mouse button to fire. Hold the mouse button down for auto-fire.

A set of ships are provided at the start of the game. Additional ships with increased power will arrive in subsequent missions.

All ships have a hull rating. Some ships are also equipped with shields. Damage is first inflicted on the shields. Once the shields are down damage is then inflicted on the hull. When the hull is knocked out the ship is destroyed. At the end of each mission all ships perform auto-repairs which provides upto a fifty percent repair in both shields and hull.